Independent | Defense Medical Examination
Nurse Observer for Independent or Defense Medical Examinations
I provide Nurse Observer services for Independent Medical Examinations (IME) or Defense Medical Examinations (DME) in Boston and surrounding cities. I will be present at the examination and write a report concerning the results. As a registered nurse, I will also protect your client by precluding any and all tests that you do not wish to be performed or any questions you do not want your client to answer. In addition, I will review and compare the medical report written by the defense doctor and help you focus on the important medical issues.
Do you have an upcoming defense medical examination in Boston or surrounding cities?
I can:
- Observe defense medical examinations.
- Record defense medical examinations.
- Type a nurse observer report, which is a transcription of the words spoken on the audio recording as well as notes of what I saw.
- Compare nurse observer defense medical examination reports with the DME physician’s reports to identify any inaccuracies or admissions.
- Assist attorney in formulating deposition questions to be asked of the medical witnesses of the examination.
- Serve as a fact witness for the examination.

Types Of Cases I Can Help With
- Personal Injury
- Workers Compensation
- Automobile Accidents
- Medical Malpractice
Need An Nurse Medical Observer For Your Case?
I can attend medical examinations in Boston and surrounding areas. I can offer a medically trained set of eyes and ears to watch and record the details of the examination.
If you require assistance with an upcoming Independent/Defense Medical Examination, contact me today.
What My Clients Are Saying

“I have had the opportunity to work with Jane Shufro in several complex medical negligence matters. Ms. Shufro is a seasoned legal nurse consultant known for her expertise, professionalism, and integrity and is keenly aware of the complexities of litigation. She timely conducts a thorough, comprehensive case review and can pinpoint the areas of potential exposure as well as provide feedback regarding the issues of causation and damages.”
Robert E. Spitzer
Counselor at Law
MacNeill, O’Neill and Riveles
Defense Attorney