I provide value to your case and the benefits of networking with a qualified, experienced nurse who will focus on providing the most appropriate and cost-effective approach to your medical legal case. I handle all types medical related cases, but specialize in anesthesia related medical or surgical cases, sedation and monitoring, pain management and rapid response or code events.
Medical Record Analysis
A varied nursing background is essential as a valuable asset in any case where health, illness, or injury is an issue. Eliminate the uncertainty about the quality of reports you receive. I customize reports to your needs in a style that works best for you so you are satisfied.
I will:
– Review and organize medical records, provide a summary or timeline of events, illness or injury
– Define the standard of care, deviations and adherences and what should be documented to assist you in deciding on case merit
– Identify potential providers, tampering or any missing documentation
– Advise on locating additional records that will support your case
Attorney Liaison
Would you like more control of the medical facts of your case? My nursing background provides you with an informed edge that clarifies the case issues without the “medical speak”.
I can:
– Educate and explain the pertinent issues in the case to your legal team
– Provide appropriate medical literature, give you access to authoritative sites, and offer a network of qualified health care professionals
– Attend and report on independent medical exams as a patient advocate and to validate that the exam format was followed
Locate Experts and Other Witnesses
Reduce the stress of trying to find the most appropriate expert. Take advantage of my years of clinical experience. I can easily identify the right expert needed and to interface with other disciplines on your legal team.
I will:
– Provide critical analysis of expert witness reports, and depositions and compare them to the medical record for inconsistencies
– Help to prepare witnesses, or experts for deposition
– Serve as an expert witness and testify regarding nursing standards of care when required
Court/ Trial Preparation
Want to save time and frustration locating important trial documents? Have an experienced nurse on your team to anticipate and find key pieces of the medical records or depositions
I will:
– Review and summarize depositions, assist to prepare key deposition and trial questions or interrogatories using an insider’s perspective
– Assist with exhibit preparation, such as charts and graphs to explain anatomy or medications
– Organize surgical, or anesthesia documents and graphs, and translate them into a form you can use in preparing your case
– Prepare a PowerPoint or illustration to educate, exhibit or use as demonstrative evidence to support your case facts